MBC applies a Change Management methodology to assist your organization in accomplishing a successful implementation of new or changed systems and business processes. How an organization manages change can often be a pivotal variable in accomplishing a successful implementation. MBC will monitor the current change management strategy for effectiveness and identify opportunities for improved effectiveness. MBC employs a rigorous four-step methodology that feeds some or all of the processes depicted in the diagram below. Our methodology is a guiding principle on how these processes will be devised, implemented and integrated with each other.
Each process has its own individual objectives to support the Change Management goals of your program but work together to form an integrated approach to achieving true end user buy in. Throughout your program, Change Management will accomplish several key objectives to support transformation.
These objectives include:
- • Developing a committed sponsorship
- • Aligning leadership with program goals
- • Identifying key change barriers as needed to ensure program success
- • Identifying human resource implications and requirements
- • Creating organizations which are unified in accomplishing transformation
- • Fostering an understanding and accept need for change
- • Ensuring the right people with the right skills are trained to perform the new or changed business processes
- • Ensuring two-way communication processes exist for all personnel so users have current program information
- • Gathering feedback results to determine the acceptance level

Nobody knows your business better than you do and that is why MBC uses an interactive approach to developing a successful implementation. Let our combined experiences of transforming a corporate vision assist you in accomplishing your goals.
MBC will help develop a plan that leverages program, initiative, or project sponsorship to build a sponsorship coalition that conveys change behaviors into the ranks and fosters acceptance throughout your organization and facilitate rapid-decision-making ion issues affecting implementation.
MBC will aid in the identification and assessment of impacts to existing corporate or organizational policy based on new or modified business processes. MBC will also recommend ways to package the necessary modifications. This is important when solution-defined processes are substantially different than the way your organization currently carries out its responsibilities.
MBC will assist in establishing and educating a change agent network to facilitate adoption of new processes and to prepare all levels and facilities within your organization. MBC recognizes that effective change comes from within; this is where MBC will maximize the experience and influence of your Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) in the design and implementation of the transformation event.
MBC will help align organizational communication and education activities and events with other process teams to ensure stakeholder and end users are knowledgeable about what is changing–and why–before training is delivered. This helps those affected put any new or modified activities, processes, and job responsibilities in their proper context. The Communication & Education process provides a framework for the delivery of the right message, at the right time, in the right medium, to the right audience.
MBC will provide expert advice on the application of appropriate training strategies, which include determining the optimal blended training development and delivery framework to prepare users for new systems, processes, and procedures. MBC will provide your organization with sustainment training options so that end user training doesn’t end at implementation, but will be available on demand for new users or for retraining sessions later.
MBC will help integrate new systems and processes in your current workforce using a rigorous process of role and job analysis. This analysis includes assessing job content, changes to jobs and career paths, reporting relationships and organizational boundaries that result from the new processes. It is crucial that everyone in your organization understand their role in the new business processes to ensure that the right people with the right skills are ready to perform at implementation. Once workforce impacts are understood, they can be aligned to your HR and personnel system.
MBC will help design and analyze implementation metrics, including the identification of Key Performance Indicators, agile measurement tools, and suitable mitigation strategies. The intent is to understand the progress being made and the effectiveness of the various Change Management activities within your impacted communities, so timely and appropriate action—including escalation through governance– can be taken to both mitigate risks and address emergent issues.